Pl I To Cobol Converter
Oracle to My. SQL Migration SQLines Open Source Tools. SQLines provides open source tools to help you transfer data, convert database schema DDL, views, stored procedures, functions, packages, triggers, queries and SQL scripts from Oracle to My. SQL. We also help convert embedded SQL statements in CC ODBC, ProC, OCI, OCCI, C, Java, Power. Builder, VBVB. NET, ASPASP. VETUSWARE. COM the biggest free abandonware collection in the universe. JSON JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight datainterchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. NET, Perl, PHP, Python, Linux shell and other applications. Oracle 1. 2c, 1. 1g, 1. My. SQL 5. x. SQLines tools to help you migrate from Oracle to My. SQL. SQLines SQL Converter tool allows you to convert database schema DDL, queries and DML statements, views, stored procedures, functions and triggers from Oracle to My. SQL. SQLines tool converts SQL scripts and standalone SQL statements. To migrate data and database schema from an Oracle database use SQLines Data tool. Try SQLines Online or download a free Desktop Version. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Technical information on migration from Oracle to My. SQL. Oracle features that may require significant re design when migrating to My. SQL. Converting identifiers. Oracle. My. SQL First character Letter Letter or digit Subsequent characters Letter, digit,, and Letter, digit, and Identifier quote character double quotes backtick if ANSIQUOTES is set not set by default. Oracle. My. SQL Tables, columns, indexes, views, procedures, triggers 3. Databases 8 6. 4. Converting SQL language elements. Converting data types. Oracle. My. SQL 1 BFILE Pointer to binary file, 4. G VARCHAR2. 55 2 BINARYFLOAT 3. FLOAT 3 BINARYDOUBLE 6. DOUBLE 4 BLOB Binary large object, 4. G LONGBLOB 5 CHARn, CHARACTERn Fixed length string, 1 n 2. CHARn, CHARACTERn 6 CHARn, CHARACTERn Fixed length string, 2. VARCHARn 7 CLOB Character large object, 4. G LONGTEXT 8 DATE Date and time DATETIME 9 DECIMALp,s, DECp,s Fixed point number DECIMALp,s, DECp,s 1. DOUBLE PRECISION Floating point number DOUBLE PRECISION 1. FLOATp Floating point number DOUBLE 1. INTEGER, INT 3. 8 digits integer INT DECIMAL3. INTERVAL YEARp TO MONTH Date interval VARCHAR3. INTERVAL DAYp TO SECONDs Day and time interval VARCHAR3. LONG Character data, 2. G LONGTEXT 1. 6 LONG RAW Binary data, 2. G LONGBLOB 1. 7 NCHARn Fixed length UTF 8 string, 1 n 2. NCHARn 1. 8 NCHARn Fixed length UTF 8 string, 2. NVARCHARn 1. 9 NCHAR VARYINGn Varying length UTF 8 string, 1 n 4. NCHAR VARYINGn 2. NCLOB Variable length Unicode string, 4. G NVARCHARmax 2. NUMBERp,0, NUMBERp 8 bit integer, 1 lt p lt 3 TINYINT 0 to 2. SMALLINT 3. 2 bit integer, 5 lt p lt 9 INT 6. BIGINT Fixed point number, 1. DECIMALp 2. 2 NUMBERp,s Fixed point number, s 0 DECIMALp,s 2. NUMBER, NUMBER Floating point number DOUBLE 2. Pl I To Cobol Converter' title='Pl I To Cobol Converter' />NUMERICp,s Fixed point number NUMERICp,s 2. NVARCHAR2n Variable length UTF 8 string, 1 n 4. NVARCHARn 2. 6 RAWn Variable length binary string, 1 n 2. BINARYn 2. 7 RAWn Variable length binary string, 2. VARBINARYn 2. 8 REAL Floating point number DOUBLE 2. ROWID Physical row address CHAR1. SMALLINT 3. 8 digits integer DECIMAL3. TIMESTAMPp Date and time with fraction DATETIMEp 3. TIMESTAMPp WITH TIME ZONE Date and time with fraction and time zone DATETIMEp 3. UROWIDn Logical row addresses, 1 n 4. VARCHARn 3. 4 VARCHARn Variable length string, 1 n 4. VARCHARn 3. 5 VARCHAR2n Variable length string, 1 n 4. VARCHARn 3. 6 XMLTYPE XML data LONGTEXT. Data type attributes and options. Oracle. My. SQL BYTE and CHAR column size semantics Size is always in characters. Converting built in SQL functions from Oracle to My. SQL. Oracle. My. SQL 1 ABSnum Get the absolute value ABSnum 2 ACOSnum Get the arc cosine ACOSnum 3 ADDMONTHSdate, num Add num months to date TIMESTAMPADDMONTH, num, date 4 ASCIIstr Get ASCII code of left most char ASCIIstr 5 ASCIISTRstring Get ASCII code version of string 6 ASINnum Get the arcsine ASINnum 7 ATANnum Get the arc tangent ATANnum 8 ATAN2x, y Get the arc tangent of x and y ATAN2x, y 9 BINTONUMbit. Convert bit vector to number 1. BITANDexp. 1, exp. Perform bitwise AND exp. CEILnum Get the smallest following integer CEILnum 1. CHRnum Get character from ASCII code CHARnum USING ASCII 1. COALESCEexp. 1, exp. Return first non NULL expression COALESCEexp. CONCATchar. 1, char. String concatenation CONCATchar. CONVERTstring, charset Convert string to charset CONVERTstring USING charset 1. COSnum Get the cosine COSnum 1. COSHnum Get hyperbolic cosine EXPnum EXP num 2 1. CURRENTDATE Get the current date NOW 1. CURRENTTIMESTAMP Get the current date and time NOW 2. DECODEexp, when, then, Evaluate conditions CASE expression 2. EXPn Raise e to the nth power EXPn 2. EXTRACTYEAR FROM date Extract year from date YEARdate 2. EXTRACTMONTH FROM date Extract month from date MONTHdate 2. EXTRACTDAY FROM date Extract day from date DAYdate 2. EXTRACTHOUR FROM time Extract hour from time HOURtime 2. EXTRACTMINUTE FROM time Extract minute from time MINUTEtime 2. EXTRACTSECOND FROM time Extract second from time SECONDtime 2. FLOORnum Get the largest preceding integer FLOORnum 2. GREATESTexp, exp. Get the maximum value in a set GREATESTexp, exp. INITCAPstring Capitalize words User defined function 3. INSTRstr, substr Get position of substring INSTRstr, substr INSTRstr, substr, pos LOCATEstr, substr, pos INSTRstr, substr, pos, num User defined function 3. LASTDAYdate Get last day of the month LASTDAYdate 3. LEASTexp, exp. 2, Get the minimum value in a set LEASTexp, exp. LENGTHstring Get length of string in chars CHARLENGTHstring 3. LENGTHBstring Get length of string in bytes LENGTHstring 3. LNnum Get natural logarithm of num LNnum 3. LOCALTIMESTAMP Get the current date and time LOCALTIMESTAMP LOCALTIMESTAMPprec LOCALTIMESTAMP 3. LOGnum. 1, num. 2 Get logarithm, base num. LOGnum. 1, num. 2 3. LOWERstring Lowercase string LOWERstring 4. LPADstring, len Pad the left side of string LPADstring, len, LPADstring, len, pad LPADstring, len, pad 4. LTRIMstring Remove leading spaces LTRIMstring LTRIMstring, set Remove leading chars TRIMLEADING set FROM string 4. MONTHSBETWEENdate. Get number of months between date. User defined function 4. MODdividend, divisor Get remainder MODdividend, divisor 4. NEXTDAY Get the next date by day name NEXTDAY user defined function 4. NULLIFexp. 1, exp. Return NULL if exp. NULLIFexp. 1, exp. NVLexp, replacement Replace NULL with the specified value IFNULLexp, replacement 4. NVL2exp. 1, exp. Return exp. NULL, otherwise exp. CASE expression 4. POWERvalue, n Raise value to the nth power POWERvalue, n 4. REMAINDERn. 1, n. Get remainder n. ROUNDn. REPLACEstr, search Remove search string REPLACEstr, search, REPLACEstr, search, replace Replace search string REPLACEstr, search, replace 5. ROUNDnum, integer Get rounded value ROUNDnum, integer 5. RPADstring, len Pad the right side of string RPADstring, len, RPADstring, len, pad RPADstring, len, pad 5. RTRIMstring Remove trailing spaces RTRIMstring RTRIMstring, set Remove trailing chars TRIMTRAILING set FROM string 5. SIGNexp Get sign of exp SIGNexp 5. SINnum Get sine SINnum 5. SINHnum Get hyperbolic sine EXPnum EXP num 2 5. SOUNDEXstring Get 4 character sound code SOUNDEXstring 5. SQRTnum Get square root SQRTnum 5. List of compilers Wikipedia. This page is intended to list all current compilers, compiler generators, interpreters, translators, tool foundations, assemblers, automatable command line interfaces shells, etc. Ada compilerseditALGOL compilerseditAssemblers Intel. Assemblers Motorola 6. Assemblers Zilog Z8. Assemblers othereditBASIC CompilerseditTrue BASIC True BASIC stylebackground 9. F9 vertical align middle text align center classtable yesYes stylebackground F9. No stylebackground F9. No stylebackground ddf vertical align middle text align center classtable proprietaryProprietary. Compiler. Author. Windows. Unix like. Other OSs. License type. Archimedes BASIC Compiler ABCOak Solutions. No. No. RISC OSProprietary. B4x. Anywhere Software. Yes. Yes. Linux, Android, Arduino. Freeware. Ba. Con. Peter van Eerten. No. Yes. Linux, OS X, Android. MITBAILStudio 4. 03. No. Yes. No. Open Source. BBC Basic for Windows. Richard T Russel. Yes. No. No. Shareware. Blitz. Max. Blitz Research. Yes. Yes Linux, OS XNozlib License. Chipmunk Basic. Ronald H. Nicholson, Jr. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware. Cool. Basic. Spywave. Yes. No. No. Freeware. Dark. BASICThe Game Creators. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. Doyle. Soft BASICDoyle. Soft. Yes. No. No. Open Source. Free. BASICFree. BASIC Development Team. Yes. Yes. DOSGPLv. Gambas. Benot Minisini. No. Yes. No. GPLv. GLBasic. Dream Design Entertainment. Yes. Yes. Linux, OS X, i. OS, Win. CE, Android, Web. OS, Pandora. Proprietary. Just BASICShoptalk Systems. Yes. No. No. Freeware. KBasic. KBasic Software. Yes. Yes. No. GPLv. Liberty BASICShoptalk Systems. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. MMBasic. Geoff Graham. Yes. No. Maximite,PIC3. Proprietary. NBasic. Sylva. Ware. Yes. No. No. Freeware. Power. BASICPower. BASIC, Inc. Yes. No. DOSProprietary. Pure. Basic. Fantaisie Software. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. QB6. 4Galleon. Yes. Yes. Yes. LGPLv. 2. Quick. BASICMicrosoft. No. No. DOSProprietary. Rapid. QWilliam Yu. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware. Xojo formerly REALbasicXojo Inc. Real SoftwareYes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. True BASICTrue BASICYes. No. No. Proprietary. X1. 1 Basic. Markus Hoffmann. Yes. Yes. Android, ATARI ST, Tom. Tom, Raspberry Pi. GPLv. 2BASIC interpreterseditBatch compilerseditC compilerseditCompiler. Author. Microsoft Windows. Unix like. Other OSs. License type. 8cc. Rui Ueyama. No. Yes. No. MIT License. AMPCAxiomatic Solutions Sdn Bhd. No. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Aztec CManx Software Systems. No. No. CPM, CPM 8. DOS, Classic Mac OSProprietary. Amsterdam Compiler Kit. Andrew Tanenbaum and Ceriel Jacobs. No. Yes. Yes. BSDBDS CBD Software. No. No. CPMPublic domain. CCS C Compiler. CCS, Inc. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Ch. Soft. Integration, Inc. Yes. OS X, Free. BSD, Linux, Solaris, HP UX, AIX, Qnx. Yes. Freeware. Clang. LLVM Project. Yes. Yes. Yes. Uo. INCSACode. Warrior. Metrowerks. Yes. Yes. Classic Mac OSProprietary. Comp. Cert. INRIAYes. Yes. No. Freeware source code available for non commercial use or GPLCosmic C compilers. Cosmic Software. Yes. Linux, Solaris, HP UXNo. Proprietary. CParserlib. Firm. Matthias Braun, Christoph Mallon and Michael Beck. Yes. Yes. Yes. LGPLDe. Smet CC Ware Corporation. No. No. DOSGPLDigital Mars. Digital Mars. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. Dignus SystemsCDignus, L. L. CYes hostYes hostZArchitecture. Proprietary. Edison Design Group. Edison Design Group. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. GCC CGNU Project. Min. GW, Cygwin. Yes. IBM mainframe, Amiga. OS, VAXVMS, RTEMS, DOS1GPLHightec Compilerhightec rt. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. Hippo CHippopotamus Software, Haba Systems. No. No. Classic Mac OS, Atari STProprietary. IAR CC Compilers. IAR Systems. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. Interactive CKISS Institute for Practical Robotics. Yes. Unix, OS X, Linux, IRIX, Solaris, Sun. OSNo. Freewarekeil CC Compilers. Keil companyYes. Yes. No. Proprietary. Lab. WindowsCVINational Instruments. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Lattice CLifeboat Associates. No. Yes. DOS, OS2, Commodore, Amiga, Atari ST, Sinclair QLProprietarylcc. Chris Fraser and David Hanson. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware source code available for non commercial useLux. CCLuciano Gonzalez. No. Yes. No. BSDMac CConsulair. No. No. Classic Mac OSProprietary. Mark Williams CMark Williams Company. Yes. Coherent. Yes. Proprietary Coherent Compiler 3 clause BSDMicro C Compiler mccDunfield Development Services. No. No. DOSFreeware source code availableMicro C Compiler mccRoshan Singh. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware source code available for non commercial useMikro. C Compiler. Mikroelektronika. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. MPW CApple. No. No. Classic Mac OSProprietary. Neatcc. Ali Gholami Rudi. No. Yes. No. BSDNwcc. Nils Weller. No. Yes. No. BSDOpen. 64. AMDSGIGoogle. HPIntel. Nvidia. Path. Scale. Tsinghua University and others. No. Yes. Yes. GPLOpen Watcom. Sybase and Sci. Tech Software. Yes. Linux. OS2, DOS, etc. Sybase Open Watcom Public License. Orange C compiler. David Lindauer. Yes. No. DOSBSDPacific CHi tech software. No. No. DOSFreeware3Pelles CPelle Orinius. Yes. No. No. Freeware. PGCCThe Portland Group. Yes. Yes. Unknown. Proprietary. Portable C Compiler. Stephen C. Johnson, Anders Magnusson and others. Yes. Yes. Yes. BSDPower CMix Software. No. No. Yes. Proprietary. Quick. CMicrosoft. Yes. No. No. Proprietary. RCC RCOR C CompilerRodrigo Caetano Rocha rcorYes. Yes. No. GPLRECC Robert Elder Compiler CollectionRobert Elder. Yes. Yes. No. Apache License 2. Ritchie C Compiler PDP 1. Dennis Ritchie and John Reiser converted to cross compiler by Doug Gwyn. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware. SASCSAS Institute. Yes. Yes. Yes IBM mainframe, Amiga. OS, 6. 8K, 8. 8KProprietarysccsuckless. No. Yes. No. ISC License. SCORE C tccDDC IYes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Small CRon Caine, James E. Hendrix, Byte magazine. Yes. Yes. CPM, DOSPublic domain. Smaller CAlexey Frunze. Yes. Linux, Mac. OS, Retro. BSDDOSBSDSmall Device C Compiler. Sandeep Dutta and others. Yes. Yes. Unknown. GPLSub. CNils M Holm. Min. GWFree. BSD, Net. BSD, Linux. DOSPublic domain. Tasking. Altium. Yes. Linux, Mac. OSNo. Proprietary. THINK C, Lightspeed CTHINK Technologies. No. No. Classic Mac OSProprietary. Tiny C Compiler. Fabrice Bellard. Yes. Yes. No. LGPLBorland Turbo CEmbarcadero. Yes. No. Yes. Proprietary V 2. Robert Pilling. Yes. Yes. No. MIT Licenseups debugger includes C interpreterTom Hughes, Ian Edwards, and others. No. Yes. Solaris, Sun. OSGPLVBCCVolker Barthelmann. Yes. Yes. Yes. Freeware source code available, modification not allowedVirtual C IDEDieter Pawelczak. Mercenaries 2 Crack. Yes. OS XNo. Freeware for non commercial useVisual C Express. Microsoft. Yes. No. No. Freeware. Wind River Diab Compiler. Wind River Systems. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. XL CIBMNo. AIX, Linux. No. Proprietary. MCPUnisys. No. No. MCPProprietary. Source to source compilerseditThis list is incomplete. A more extensive list of source to source compilers can be found here. Compiler. Author. Target Input. Target Output. Auto Parallelizer. Windows. Unix like. Sparkle Brush Photoshop there. Other OSs. License type. Framework DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit. Semantic Designs. CC, COBOL, PLI, many others. Arbitrary languages. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Yes. Edison Design Group. Edison Design Group. CCCNo. Yes. Yes. Yes. Proprietary. Yes. Parallware. Appentra4C, Fortran. Cannotated with Open. ACC, Open. MPYes. No. Yes. No. Proprietary. No. ROSELawrence Livermore National Laboratory. C, Fortran, and more. C, Fortran, and more. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. BSDYes. PIPS Paralllisation interprocdurale de programmes scientifiques. Mines Paris. Tech.