Installing System 8.6
Installing Oracle 1. R1,R2 on RHEL 4, 3, 2. FC 4, 3, 1, RH 9 x. AMD6. 4EM6. 4T. Installing Oracle Database 1. Release 1 and 2 3. British Petroleum Oil Spill Pdf. Installing an official release Matplotlib and most of its dependencies are all available as wheel packages for macOS, Windows and Linux distributions. Installing and DynoTesting a Vortech Supercharger on a Chevy 4. L Engine. Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4, 3, 2. Red Hat Fedora Core 4, 3, 1, RH 9 on x. AMD6. 4EM6. 4T Architecture. ServerAutomation/86/files/642937065/642937114/1/1452112408539/2015-09-08+15_37_42-clm-pun-016802+-+Remote+Desktop+Connection.png' alt='Installing System 8.6' title='Installing System 8.6' />The following procedure is a step by step guide Cookbook with tips and information for installing. Oracle Database 1. Red Hat Linux. This guide shows how I installed 1. Database on the following Red Hat systems These instructions will also work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2. Oracle Database 1. Linux Distributions. People recommended this installation guide for. White. Box Linux 3. Installing System 8.6' title='Installing System 8.6' />Works exactly like on RHEL AS 3. Mandrake 1. 0. 0 Community Edition. Some filespackages were not included with Mandrake 1. MandrakeRPMSsetarch 1. ICS. i. 38. 6. rpm. ValidationCertification. For ValidationsCertifications, go to. Oracles Certification Matrices. Table of Contents. Downloading Oracle. Software and Burning Oracle. CDsChecking Memory and Swap SpaceChecking tmp SpaceChecking Software Packages RPMsChecking Kernel ParametersSizing Disk Space for Oracle. Creating Oracle User AccountsSetting Shell Limits for the Oracle UserCreating Oracle Directories. Optimal Flexible Architecture OFA for 1. Setting Oracle EnvironmentsInstalling Oracle. Installing Oracle. Remote Linux Server. Starting Oracle Universal Installer. Using Oracle Universal Installer. Updates after Running Oracle Universal InstallerOracle Post installation Tasks. Startup and Shutdown of the Oracle. Database. Shutdown of other Oracle 1. Background ProcessesTips and Hints for Oracle. LinuxOracle. 10gLinux Errors and ProblemsReferences. Download Oracle 1. Linux from OTN to install linux 1. NOTE To install a Oracle Database 1. RAC you only need to download the database file ship. Compute a cyclic redundancy check CRC checksum for the downloaded files and. OTNs website. For example. Uncompress the downloaded files. Unpack ship. db. lnx. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Data. Files. Disk. Componentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Data. Filesdoc. 3. Disk. 1stageComponentsoracle. Data. Filesclass. I executed the following command to burn the Disk. CD. mkisofs r Disk. Drives speed varies you can get the dev numbers when you execute cdrecord scanbus. Note that 1. 0g R2 wont fit on a single CD since it has over 7. MB. Oracle says that the system must have at least 5. MB of RAM and 1. GB of swap space or twice the size of RAM. And for systems with more than 2 GB of RAM, the swap space can be between one and two times the size of RAM. You might also want to check out. Sizing Swap Space. For test sake I tried to install an Oracle Database 1. Type General Purpose Database on a little PC with. MB of RAM and 1 GB of swap space. I was able to get a 1. PC without. To check the size of physical memory, execute. Mem. Total procmeminfo. To check the size of swap space, execute. Swap. Total procmeminfo. You also can add temporary swap space to your system by creating a temporary swap file. Here is the procedure. To disable the temporary swap space execute the following commands. According to Oracles documentation, the Oracle Universal Installer OUI requires up to. MB of free space in the tmp directory. But OUI. checks if tmp is only greater than 8. MB. To check the space in tmp, run. If you do not have enough space in the tmp filesystem. Here is how. you can do this. Another. Filesystem tmp. Another. Filesystem tmp. Another. Filesystem tmp. TEMPlt Another. Filesystem used by Oracle. TMPDIRlt Another. Filesystem used by Linux programs like the linker ld. When you are done with the Oracle installation, shutdown Oracle and remove the temporary tmp directory. Another. Filesystem tmp. TMPDIRGeneral. Before you install an Oracle Database 1. RPMs. On my systems I usually install a minimum list of RPMs which usually requires the installation of additional. Oracle databases. Always ensure to use the latest RPMs and kernelsFor 1. R2 6. 4 bit on RHEL 4 x. Oracle Database Installation Guide 1. Release 2 1. 0. 2 for Linux x. EL4. compat db 4. EL4. gcc c 3. EL4. EL4. libstdc devel 3. EL4. pdksh 5. 2. Also ensure to install the libaio 0. RPM or a newer version Otherwise the OUI prerequisite check will fail. To check if you are running the x. To check the RPMs, run. NAME VERSION RELEASE ARCHn. It is important to have these x. RPMs installed. The above command will list the architecture of each binary package. You will see that some RPMs are installed twice when you run this command x. RPM and x. 866. 4 RPM. You need to ensure that all required x. RPMs listed here are installed. For 1. 0g R2 3. 2 bit on RHEL 4 x. Oracle Database Release Notes 1. Release 2 1. 0. 2 for Linux x. EL4. compat db 4. EL4. gcc c 3. EL4. EL4. libstdc devel 3. EL4. pdksh 5. 2. Also ensure to install the libaio 0. RPM or a newer versionOtherwise the OUI prerequisite check will fail. To check the RPMs, run. For 1. 0g R2 3. 2 bit on RHEL 3 x. Oracle Database Installation Guide 1. Release 2 1. 0. 2 for Linux x. Also ensure to install the libaio 0. RPM or a newer versionOtherwise the OUI prerequisite check will fail. To check the RPMs, run. For 1. 0g R1 6. 4 bit on RHEL 3 x. Oracle Database Installation Guide 1. Release 1 1. 0. 1. Linux x. 86 6. 4. To check if you are running the x. To check the RPMs, run. NAME VERSION RELEASE ARCHn. It is important to have the right x. RPMs installed. The above command will list the architecture of each binary package. And as you can see in the above list, glibc devel and other RPMs are listed twice. This means that you have to install. For 1. 0g R1 3. 2 bit on RHEL 3 x. Oracle Database Installation Guide 1. Release 1 1. 0. 1 for UNIX Systems. To check the RPMs, run. For 1. 0g R1 3. 2 bit on RHEL 2. Oracle Database Installation Guide 1. Release 1 1. 0. 1 for UNIX Systems. To check these RPMs, run. The installation of an Oracle 1. Database worked fine without installing any compatibility RPMs e. However, since its listed as a requirement for RHEL 3 Id recommend. RHEL3 and on newer releases as well. Its not a requirement for RHEL 2. For RHEL 3 and RHEL 2. Make sure you have the binutils RPM installed on other releases as well like Fedora Core. NOTE OUI for x. 86 will also complain if the openmotif package is missing dont confuse it with the. Also, Red Hat changed the version naming schema from. RHEL3. 2 in RHEL3 Update 5. This seems to confuse OUI in RHEL3 U5 since it complaining that it cant find the right openmotif version. I ignored this. The openmotif 2. RHEL3. 2 is just a newer version of openmotif 2. I didnt have any problems. To check the RPM, run. Also, make sure the redhat release package is installed. Earlier versions of e. RHEL 3 didnt install. The setarch utility is new in RHEL4, RHEL3 and Fedora Core. It is used to tell the kernel to report a different architecture than. It is also used to emulate a 3. GB virtual address space for applications that dont run properly. To check the RPM, run. Installing the RPMs. R2 on RHEL AS 4 x. On my RHEL AS 4 x. I installed the following RPMs and dependencies. Uvh gcc 3. 4. 4 2. EL. x. 866. 4. rpm. Uvh gnome libs 1. ORBit 0. 5. 1. 7 1. Uvh sysstat 5. 0. Cisco Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide Version 8. Installing and Configuring Cisco Unified RTMT Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call. Manager Installing and Configuring Cisco Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool You can install Cisco Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool RTMT, which works for resolutions 8. Windows 9. 8, Windows XP, Windows 2. Windows Vista, or Linux with KDE andor Gnome client. Note RTMT requires at least 1. MB in memory to run on a Windows OS platform. Note RTMT requires at least 3. MB of disk space to run on a WindowsLinux OS platform. This chapter contains information on the following topics Installing RTMT Uninstalling RTMT Launching RTMT Navigating RTMT Working with Configuration Profiles Where to Find More Information Installing RTMT A single copy of RTMT that is installed on your computer lets you monitor one server or one cluster at a time. For example, you can monitor either of the following entities A Cisco Unified Communications Manager product on one server. A server on a cluster to monitor the health of the cluster. To monitor a product on a different server, you must first log off the server before you can log on to the other server. Consider the following, before you install RTMT On a client machine, you can install RTMT client downloaded from only one product typeUnified Communication Manager or Unified Presence or Unity Connection or Unified Contact Center Express. Installing RTMT client from different product types on the same client machine is not supported. The current RTMT download may not support earlier releases of Cisco Unified Communications Manager or Cisco Unity Connection. Some releases of Cisco Unified Communications Manager may require different versions of RTMT to be installed on your computer one version per Cisco Unified Communications Manager release. Verify that the RTMT version that you install is compatible with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager that you are monitoring. If the RTMT version that you are using is not compatible with the server that you want to monitor, the system prompts you to download the compatible version. Your computer stores the user preferences, such as the IP address and RTMT frame size, from the RTMT client that last exits. To enable the single sign on feature in Cisco Unified CM, see Single Sign On chapter in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide. To enable the single sign on feature on RTMT, modify the Windows registry as follows HKEYLOCALMACHINESystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsaKerberos. Value Name allowtgtsessionkey. Value Type REGDWORD. To install the tool, perform the following procedure Note While installing RTMT on a Windows Vista platform, you will see a User Account Control pop up message that says, An unidentified program wants to access your computer. Click Allow to continue working with RTMT. Note For information on installing RTMT on a Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server, refer to the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Installation and Configuration Guide. Procedure Step 1 Go to the Plug ins window of the administration interface for your configuration. Cisco Unified Communications Manager. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Application Plugins. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 5. From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Application Plugins. Unity Connection. From Cisco Unity Connection Administration, choose System Settings Plugins. Step 2 Click the Find button. Step 3 To install the RTMT tool on a client that is running the Microsoft Windows operating system, click the Download link for the Cisco Unified CM Real Time Monitoring Tool Windows. To install the RTMT tool on a client that is running the Linux operating system, click the Download link for the Cisco Unified CM Real Time Monitoring Tool Linux. Step 4 Download the executable to the preferred location on your client. Step 5 To install the Windows version, double click the RTMT icon that displays on the desktop or locate the directory where you downloaded the file and run the RTMT installation file. The extraction process begins. Step 6 To install the Linux version, ensure that the file has execute privileges for example, enter the following command, which is case sensitive chmod x Ccm. Serv. Rtmt. Plugin. Step 7 After the RTMT welcome window displays, click Next. Step 8 To accept the license agreement, click I accept the terms of the license agreement then, click Next. Step 9 Choose the location where you want to install RTMT. If you do not want to use the default location, click Browse and navigate to a different location. Click Next. Default installation paths are WindowsC Program FilesCiscoUnified Communications Manager ServiceabilityJRtmt Linuxopt CiscoUnified Communications ManagerServiceabilityJRtmt Step 1. To begin the installation, click Next. The Setup Status window displays. Do not click Cancel. Step 1. 1 To complete the installation, click Finish. Additional Information See the Related Topics section. Uninstalling RTMT Tip When you use RTMT, it saves user preferences and the module jar files the cache locally on the client machine. When you uninstall RTMT, you choose whether to delete or save the cache. On a Windows client, you uninstall RTMT through AddRemove Programs under the Control Panel. Choose Start Settings Control Panel AddRemove Programs. To uninstall RTMT on a Hat Linux with KDE andor Gnome client, choose Start Accessories Uninstall Real time Monitoring tool from the task bar. Note When you uninstall RTMT on a Windows Vista machine, the following User Account Control pop up message displays An unidentified program wants to access your computer. Click Allow to continue working with RTMT. Additional Information See the Related Topics section. Launching RTMT Caution Unified CM clusters only You must configure a second server as the failover collector in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, so RTMT can continue to retrieve information if the primary collector fails. Otherwise, RTMT cannot retrieve information if the primary collector has failed. Note While using RTMT on a Windows Vista machine, you will a see a User Account Control pop up message that says, An unidentified program wants to access your computer. Click Allow to continue working with RTMT. Note When you launch RTMT, log into the same product type from which you downloaded the RTMT client application. If you log into a different product type, RTMT will not launch or work properly. Procedure Step 1 After you install the plug in, perform one of the following tasks From your Windows desktop, double click the Real Time Monitoring Tool icon. Choose Start Programs Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability Real Time Monitoring Tool Real Time Monitoring Tool. The login window displays. Step 2 In the Host IP Address field, enter either the IP address or host name of the Cisco Unified CM server or if applicable the first Cisco Unified CM server in a cluster. Step 3 Enter the port that the application will use to listen to the server. The default setting equals 8. Note The Trace and Log Central tool in RTMT uses the port number that you specify to communicate with all the nodes in a cluster. If your system uses port mapping and all Cisco Call.